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What Is Range Anxiety? How Can EV Drivers Avoid It?

Range anxiety is a common concern among potential electric vehicle (EV) drivers. It’s the fear that your car battery might die mid-trip. This fear stems from the limited range of electric cars compared to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles. The limited availability of charging stations and the inconsistent power supply further amplifies this fear, especially among Nigerians.

But there are effective ways to address and avoid range anxiety so that EV drivers can get a smooth and stress-free driving experience. The following are some suggestions.

  1. Install a Home Charging Station: One effective way to overcome range anxiety is by installing a home charging station and making it a habit to charge your EV overnight.
  2. Learn More about EV Ranges: Knowledge empowers consumers. Understanding the diverse range of EVs available on the market and their respective driving range is crucial for EV drivers. This will allow you to anticipate the mileage you can expect before needing to recharge.
  3. Maintain a Steady, Slower Speed: With EVs, the higher your speed, the more energy you consume. So driving slower can help you reduce energy consumption and maximize your vehicle’s range.
  4. Utilize Regenerative Braking: Most EVs use a technology called regenerative breaking. Regenerative braking is a technique used in electric and hybrid vehicles to recover some of the energy that is typically lost during braking. When a driver applies the brakes in a normal fuel car, the kinetic energy of the moving car is converted into heat through friction in the brake pads, which is then dissipated into the surrounding environment. However, in vehicles equipped with regenerative braking systems, this kinetic energy is instead captured and converted into electrical energy, which is then stored in the vehicle’s battery for later use. In other words, when you apply breaks as an EV driver, you’re recharging your battery. .
  5. Expand Charging Infrastructure: as EV charging infrastructure grows, range anxiety will become less of a concern. Prioritizing the development of EV charging infrastructure, establishing more charging stations at strategic locations, implementing fast charging stations, simplifying payment systems, and standardizing connectors across stations can significantly reduce range anxiety. Possible EVS is woriking hard to accelerate the building and deployment of charging stations accross the nation. We’re open to partnership with government and private individuals alike.

As the electric vehicle industry progresses with technological advancements, improved infrastructure, and consumer education efforts, the concerns surrounding range anxiety will be addressed. We need to embrace these developments and enhance the overall EV ownership experience. We are moving towards a future where worries about range anxiety will become obsolete.

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